Best Tools for Collecting User Feedback

Discover the ultimate toolbox for collecting user feedback. This comprehensive guide explores top-notch tools, from in-app survey platforms to feedback analysis solutions. Learn how incorporating communication tools like Loom can elevate your feedback collection process, ensuring a seamless and insightful user-centric approach.

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In the realm of product development, user feedback is the compass guiding innovation. To navigate this terrain effectively, you need the right tools in your arsenal. This guide explores the best tools for collecting user feedback, providing a comprehensive overview of platforms that empower you to gather, analyze, and act upon user insights. Additionally, discover how integrating communication tools like Loom can enhance your feedback collection process, fostering a deeper understanding of user experiences.
Want to reduce churn and build better software? allows you to collect user feedback with Loom. Now you can automate idea, compliment, feature request, and issue collection with Loom videos.

1. In-App Survey Platforms


Qualtrics offers a robust in-app survey platform, allowing you to create customized surveys that seamlessly integrate into your application. With features like advanced logic and analytics, Qualtrics provides deep insights into user sentiments.


SurveyMonkey is a versatile tool that enables you to create engaging surveys and gather feedback from your target audience. Its user-friendly interface and diverse question types make it a popular choice for collecting actionable insights.

2. User Feedback Forms


Typeform stands out for its visually appealing and interactive forms. It allows you to create conversational forms that engage users, making the feedback collection process more enjoyable and insightful.

Google Forms:

Google Forms is a simple yet powerful tool for creating surveys and feedback forms. With seamless integration with other Google Workspace tools, it facilitates easy collaboration and data analysis.

3. Feedback Collection Widgets


UserVoice offers a comprehensive platform for collecting and prioritizing user feedback. Its widget can be embedded into your application, enabling users to submit feedback directly and vote on existing suggestions.


Usabilla provides a feedback widget that allows users to share their opinions on specific elements of your website or application. Its visual feedback features make it easy for users to highlight specific areas for improvement.

4. Social Media Monitoring Tools


Hootsuite is a social media management tool that enables you to monitor and analyze conversations about your product across various social media platforms. Tracking mentions and sentiment analysis can provide valuable user feedback.


Brandwatch offers advanced social listening capabilities, allowing you to track brand mentions, monitor industry trends, and analyze user sentiments. It's a powerful tool for understanding how your brand is perceived online.

5. Feedback Analysis Solutions


UserTesting goes beyond surveys by providing video feedback from real users. It allows you to set tasks for users, observe their interactions, and gain qualitative insights into their experiences.


Apptentive specializes in mobile app feedback. It offers tools for collecting in-app feedback, analyzing user sentiment, and engaging with users through targeted messaging.

6. Communication Tools for Feedback Clarification


Loom is a dynamic video messaging tool that enhances communication during the feedback collection process. Use Loom to create personalized video messages, conduct feature walk-throughs, and add a human touch to your interactions with users.


Slack is a team collaboration tool that can be utilized for real-time communication about user feedback. Create dedicated channels for feedback discussions, allowing team members to collaborate and share insights.


Mastering the art of collecting user feedback requires a strategic selection of tools that cater to diverse aspects of the feedback journey. Whether you're deploying in-app surveys, leveraging social media monitoring, or incorporating advanced feedback analysis solutions, the right combination of tools can elevate your understanding of user sentiments.
As you build your toolbox for user feedback, consider the seamless integration of communication tools like Loom. Loom not only enhances the clarity of communication but also adds a personal touch to your interactions with users, fostering a stronger connection and a more collaborative feedback collection environment.
Stay tuned for more insights on optimizing your feedback processes and leveraging communication tools in our ongoing series.

Collect User Feedback (ideas, compliments, feature requests, and issues) with Loom videos.

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Written by

Mohammed Lashuel
Mohammed Lashuel

Co-Founder @