Loom for Tech Company’s Internship Programs

Transform tech company internships with Loom! This article explores creative strategies for using Loom to enhance internship programs, covering topics such as virtual onboarding, mentorship initiatives, and showcasing intern projects for a dynamic learning experience.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, internship programs serve as a crucial gateway for nurturing future talent and fostering innovation. Loom, the dynamic video messaging tool, provides innovative solutions for enhancing internship programs in tech companies. This article will guide you through creative strategies for using Loom to elevate internship experiences, covering virtual onboarding, mentorship initiatives, and showcasing intern projects for a dynamic learning experience.
Want to reduce churn and build better software? LoomFlows.com allows you to collect user feedback with Loom. Now you can automate idea, compliment, feature request, and issue collection with Loom videos.

Virtual Onboarding and Welcome

1. Engaging Welcome Videos:

Kick off internships with engaging welcome videos on Loom. Leadership and team members can create personalized messages, introducing interns to the company culture, values, and outlining expectations for the internship period.

2. Virtual Office Tours and Introductions:

Provide virtual office tours and team introductions with Loom. Team leads or mentors can record videos showcasing the office space (or virtual workspace) and introducing interns to their colleagues, helping them feel connected from the start.

Mentorship and Learning Initiatives

3. Mentor Introduction Videos:

Introduce mentors through Loom videos. Pairing interns with mentors becomes more personal and meaningful when mentors record introductory videos, sharing their expertise, experiences, and expressing enthusiasm for guiding interns.

4. Skill Development Modules:

Enhance skill development with Loom. Create video modules covering essential technical and soft skills, providing interns with on-demand resources for learning and expanding their knowledge base during the internship.

Project Collaboration and Showcasing

5. Project Kickoff Videos:

Kick off projects with Loom. Project leads or managers can record videos introducing the scope, goals, and expectations of intern projects, ensuring clarity and setting the stage for successful collaboration.

6. Regular Progress Updates:

Encourage regular progress updates with Loom. Interns can record short videos summarizing their achievements, challenges, and next steps, facilitating open communication and allowing mentors to provide timely guidance.

Showcasing Intern Achievements

7. Intern Showcase Events:

Host virtual intern showcase events with Loom. Create videos showcasing the achievements, projects, and contributions of interns, providing them with an opportunity to present their work to the entire company.

8. Intern Testimonials on Loom:

Capture intern testimonials on Loom. Encourage interns to share their experiences and learnings through video, creating a repository of authentic stories that can inspire future interns and showcase the impact of the program.

Networking and Community Building

9. Virtual Coffee Chats and Networking:

Facilitate virtual coffee chats and networking with Loom. Interns can record short videos introducing themselves, their interests, and career goals, fostering connections with colleagues across the company.

10. Interactive Q&A Sessions:

Engage interns with interactive Q&A sessions on Loom. Leadership or HR can record videos addressing common questions, concerns, or providing insights into the company's culture, ensuring interns feel informed and connected.

Technical Best Practices

11. Optimizing Video Accessibility:

Ensure video accessibility by providing closed captions. This ensures that all interns, including those with hearing impairments or language differences, can fully engage with the content.

12. Encouraging Collaborative Video Responses:

Foster collaboration through video responses on Loom. Encourage interns to respond to prompts, share their thoughts, and participate in discussions through video, creating a dynamic and inclusive learning environment.


Loom emerges as a versatile tool for transforming tech company internship programs, providing a dynamic and engaging platform for virtual onboarding, mentorship initiatives, and showcasing intern projects. By incorporating Loom into internship experiences, tech companies can empower future innovators, facilitate meaningful learning opportunities, and build a talent pipeline for sustained success.
Stay tuned for more insights on maximizing Loom's potential in various tech-related endeavors in our ongoing series.

Collect User Feedback (ideas, compliments, feature requests, and issues) with Loom videos.

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Written by

Mohammed Lashuel
Mohammed Lashuel

Co-Founder @ LoomFlows.com