Loom for Tech Company’s Supplier Diversity

Promote inclusivity in procurement with Loom! This article explores effective strategies for using Loom to implement and communicate supplier diversity initiatives in tech companies, covering topics such as diverse vendor showcases, communication videos, and fostering a culture of inclusive sourcing.

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In an era emphasizing diversity and inclusion, supplier diversity is a crucial aspect of procurement for tech companies. Loom, the dynamic video messaging tool, provides effective strategies for implementing and communicating supplier diversity initiatives. This article will guide you through creative ways to leverage Loom for diverse vendor showcases, communication videos, and fostering a culture of inclusive sourcing in tech companies.
Want to reduce churn and build better software? LoomFlows.com allows you to collect user feedback with Loom. Now you can automate idea, compliment, feature request, and issue collection with Loom videos.

Introduction to Supplier Diversity

1. Diversity Initiatives Kickoff with Loom:

Launch initiatives with Loom. Create engaging videos to kick off supplier diversity initiatives, explaining the importance, goals, and positive impact on the company and the community.

2. Leadership Messages on Inclusion:

Promote inclusion with leadership messages on Loom. Leaders can record videos emphasizing the company's commitment to diversity, showcasing the importance of diverse suppliers in the tech industry.

Diverse Vendor Showcases

3. Diverse Supplier Spotlight Series:

Spotlight diverse suppliers with Loom. Create a series of videos showcasing diverse vendors, their products or services, and success stories, fostering a connection between employees and diverse suppliers.

4. Interactive Supplier Catalogs:

Enhance engagement with interactive catalogs on Loom. Develop videos presenting an interactive catalog of diverse suppliers, allowing employees to explore and discover diverse options for procurement.

Communication and Awareness

5. Communication on Procurement Opportunities:

Communicate opportunities with Loom. Record videos informing employees about upcoming procurement opportunities and the company's commitment to considering diverse suppliers in the sourcing process.

6. Employee Testimonials on Diversity Impact:

Capture employee testimonials on Loom. Encourage team members to share their experiences with diverse suppliers, highlighting the positive impact on product quality, innovation, and community support.

Supplier Relationship Management

7. Best Practices for Inclusive Sourcing:

Share best practices with Loom. Create videos outlining best practices for inclusive sourcing, guiding procurement teams on how to evaluate and engage with diverse suppliers effectively.

8. Feedback and Improvement Suggestions:

Leverage Loom for feedback. Encourage employees to provide feedback on supplier diversity initiatives through video submissions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Training and Education

9. Diversity Training Modules:

Integrate diversity training with Loom. Develop a series of videos providing diversity training for procurement teams, ensuring they understand the importance of diversity in sourcing decisions.

10. Interactive Q&A Sessions on Diversity:

Foster interaction with Q&A sessions on Loom. Procurement teams can engage with stakeholders through recorded Q&A sessions, addressing questions and providing additional insights into the company's supplier diversity initiatives.

Technical Best Practices

11. Optimizing Video Accessibility for Inclusion:

Ensure accessibility for diverse audiences. Utilize Loom's closed captioning feature to make the videos inclusive to all employees, including those with hearing impairments or language differences.

12. Interactive Surveys for Diversity Impact:

Leverage interactive surveys on Loom. Embed surveys within videos to gather feedback on the impact of supplier diversity initiatives, ensuring continuous evaluation and improvement.


Loom emerges as a powerful tool for implementing and communicating supplier diversity initiatives in tech companies, providing a dynamic and engaging platform for diverse vendor showcases, communication videos, and fostering a culture of inclusive sourcing. By incorporating Loom into supplier diversity strategies, tech companies can promote inclusivity, drive positive change in the supply chain, and contribute to a more diverse and equitable industry.
Stay tuned for more insights on maximizing Loom's potential in various tech-related endeavors in our ongoing series.

Collect User Feedback (ideas, compliments, feature requests, and issues) with Loom videos.

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Written by

Mohammed Lashuel
Mohammed Lashuel

Co-Founder @ LoomFlows.com