Using Loom for IT Onboarding: A Guide for HR in Tech Companies

Unlock the power of Loom for IT onboarding in tech companies. This guide for HR professionals explores strategies, tips, and insights on leveraging Loom to streamline IT onboarding processes, enhance employee training, and create a seamless introduction to technology within the organization. Elevate your onboarding with Loomflows.

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Efficient IT onboarding is crucial for integrating new employees seamlessly into tech companies. Loom, with its dynamic video messaging capabilities, can revolutionize the onboarding experience. This comprehensive guide for HR professionals explores strategies, tips, and insights on using Loom to streamline IT onboarding processes and create a seamless introduction to technology within the organization.
Want to reduce churn and build better software? allows you to collect user feedback with Loom. Now you can automate idea, compliment, feature request, and issue collection with Loom videos.

1. Welcome and Introduction Videos:

Start the IT onboarding journey with a warm welcome. Use Loom to create introduction videos, allowing HR professionals to greet new employees, provide an overview of the onboarding process, and set a positive tone for their technology integration.

2. Technology Stack Demos:

Familiarize new hires with the technology stack using Loom. Create dynamic demos showcasing the key software, tools, and platforms they will be using. This visual approach enhances understanding and helps new employees feel more comfortable with the tech environment.

3. Security and Compliance Briefings:

Communicate security and compliance protocols effectively with Loom. Create videos that outline important security measures, data handling policies, and compliance requirements. Loom's visual format ensures that this crucial information is easily digestible.

4. Interactive FAQs with Video Responses:

Foster interactive onboarding with video responses to frequently asked questions. Use Loom's comment features to encourage new hires to ask questions and seek clarifications, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

5. Visual Walkthroughs of IT Policies:

6. Onboarding Progress Updates:

Keep new hires informed about their onboarding progress with Loom. Provide regular updates, milestones, and next steps in video format. This keeps the onboarding process transparent and ensures that employees are on track.

7. Introduction to IT Support:

Introduce the IT support team with Loom's webcam integration. Allow IT support professionals to appear on screen, welcoming new hires and explaining the support channels available. This personal touch establishes a connection and reassures employees about the assistance they can expect.

8. Efficient Use of IT Tools:

Train new hires efficiently on the use of IT tools. Create Loom videos that guide employees through essential tools, demonstrate best practices, and provide tips for optimizing their workflow. This ensures that employees start off on the right foot with the technology they'll be using.

9. Mobile Device Management (MDM) Procedures:

10. Feedback and Improvement Loop:

Encourage feedback on the IT onboarding process using Loom. Create videos soliciting input, suggestions, and insights from new hires. This feedback loop allows HR professionals to continuously improve and refine the IT onboarding experience.


Loom emerges as a powerful tool for HR professionals in tech companies seeking to enhance IT onboarding processes. By leveraging its dynamic video messaging capabilities, HR teams can create a more engaging, efficient, and comprehensive introduction to technology for new employees, ultimately contributing to a positive onboarding experience.

Collect User Feedback (ideas, compliments, feature requests, and issues) with Loom videos.

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Written by

Mohammed Lashuel
Mohammed Lashuel

Co-Founder @